Website Owners

If you own a website, we’ll be happy to proofread the original copy for you, as well as any updates to the copy.

We can also proofread your entire website copy.

We can also proofread your blog posts, social media posts, and articles before they’re published to make sure they’re free of errors and to suggest other improvements. So you can publish them with confidence.
Editing & Proofreading in 5 Easy Steps
  • Submit your document.
  • Submit payment.
  • First expert edits and proofreads your document.
  • Second expert checks your document.
  • Final edited document is sent to you.
Here’s what we’ll do:
Correct spelling, grammar, and any typos
Rewrite sentences and other content for structure and clarity
Track all edits to make it easy for you to accept or modify them
Add comments to suggest other improvements or indicate problem areas
Double-Checked Accuracy Guarantee – Or Your Next Job is FREE!
We guarantee the double-checked accuracy of our proofreading. If you’re not completely satisfied with the accuracy of our work, we’ll proofread your document again at no extra charge – and your next proofreading job of the same length is FREE.